Monday, October 23, 2006

Sunday, October 15, 2006


You have new Picture Mail!
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Chance has been getting older.... and after his last hair cut, as all his fur started to grow back, instead of being goldenish yellowish, orange... it all came back in kinda blotchy and white.... you cant really tell here, but it looks like someone ran him through the wash w/ some bleach.

City Lights

You have new Picture Mail!
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

The sky is filled w/ low clouds, humidity, and fog, and you can really see the lights of the city reflecting off them. Well... you cant really see it very well in this picture, but in real life it was cool... This was the best shot I could while driving down 183 through my windshield, with my cell phone

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Homes Tour... And A Goat

Homes Tour... And A Goat
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

me and my friend merete went on the yearly homes tour. I pretty much go every year since i get free tickets from my work (i think we did the engineering for two of the houses)... This year wasnt that great though... Too many remodels.... Nothing compared to last year thats for sure... Any way, one of the highlights of the day was this goat that we saw in someones yard.

I didnt really look at the picture after I took it, so sorry about that bar cutting off most of the goat.


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Nima in town after passing the bar.... Usman and henry too.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ugly Pumpkins

Ugly Pumpkins
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Seriously.... Who is ganna buy any of those?

Egg Shells

Egg Shells
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Sitting in the texas sun. I didnt get in close enough for a smell, but im sure it wasnt pleasent.