Sunday, December 31, 2006

Guess How Much

Guess How Much, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

This shirt costs.... See below

$220.00 as You Can See

$220.00 as You Can See, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Stupid UPS

Stupid UPS, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

My package was supposed to be delivered on wednesday, but the last number of my office suite got cut off, and they couldnt figure it out even though we get stuff delivered all the time. Then when i

called to fix the suite number they told me it would in out the next day, even though it was 7am thursday. So, that meant i wouldnt get it till friday. By about 2pm on friday i called back because the

ups guy usually comes around noon. They assured me it was on the truck for delivery today. About 5pm after everyone else in my office had started their xmas vacation i was still waiting. I called

back, and was told it would arrive before 7... 7!? At 7 i call back. Were sorry, for some reason it didnt make it on the truck today. DAMN. So i tell them to hold for pickup for tomorrow, sat. The day

before xmas. When i go to pick it up, guess what... Out for delivery... With no way to find out when or way to contact the driver. So, my parents gift is a piece of paper and an


Sunday, December 24, 2006

Night Before Christmas

Night Before Christmas, originally uploaded by matt kettler.


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Trail of LIghts

Picture 004, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Went to the trail of lights... it was pretty neet. Click the picture to go to my flickr page that has some more picutes of it.

Wendy's Bday

Picture 003, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

We went to chez nous for wendys birthday. The food was really good

Office xmas party

More people in the limo, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Most of us in this shot in the limo on the way to dinner at shorline grill

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Yard Art

Yard Art, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

BBQ pit/gun