Saturday, March 17, 2007

Day Trip

Day Trip, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Me and wendy @ guadelupe state park

Glass blowing

Glass blowing, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Outside of wimberly

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Eyes, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Guess what i dont need anymore... Give you a hint... Compare this picture of my eye to my last post.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Mt Bonell

Mt Bonell, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Me and wendy

Free.... Not

Free.... Not, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Hmmm... Exact same product left and right... Only the one on the left has included a "free" item and costs 1 dollar more.

How Much For The Pair On The Right?

At target today... Looking at shoes... Saw this pair here... Obviously old and busted on the shelf

Friday, March 02, 2007

Time For A New Picture

Time For A New Picture, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Looking for a fold up table at academy... Stumbled upon this... Looks like they took the pictures about 25 years ago.