Sunday, April 29, 2007

Rubbish Fire

Rubbish Fire, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

The lake washed up all this trash. We raked it up into about 1O or so piles and lit them up all at once. The pretty much just smoldered for about 12 hrs.

Another Snake

Another Snake, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

A little closer this time

Flowers across Texas

Flowers across Texas, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

All kinds of flowers in bloom

Aimees Wedding Reception

Aimees Wedding Reception, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

At the salt lick

Friday, April 27, 2007


Snake, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Wendy and I went for a walk the other day and we saw this little guy. Moblogable.... Its debatable.

Toilet Pond

Toilet Pond, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Out doing an inspection of a job the other day and say this outside of the front gate. Why spend all that money on a fancy pond, and then have this right out in the middle

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Groundbreaking, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Ground Breaking

Ground Breaking, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

The new library for my neighborhood had a ground breaking this morning. I thought since it was about 2 min. away, and since Ive never been to a groundbreaking before I might swing by. Oh, and also, I did the engineering on it.

Friday, April 20, 2007


Genes, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

This is my favorate meal in austin. Its the smothered chops at genes new orleans style poboys and deli. They only have it on thursdays, and it comes with cornbread, greens, rice, and sweet potatoes.

Its awesome. An austin must try. 12O9 east 11th st.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Tehuacana Texas

Tehuacana Texas, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

I used to go to this small town for easter as a kid. It had lots of blue bonnets there. All the blue bonnets around reminded me of this place, so i went on a road trip to find it. Though it seemed the

blue bonnets had been mowed over, it was just as i remembered it.