Sunday, August 26, 2007


Lake, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

One of these days, ill be taking this picture outside of my own house

Go Carts

Go Carts, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Did a little go carting today

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Hatch Chilies

Hatch Chilies, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

That time of year again when central market is roasting them up

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Golf, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Got to the green with this awesome drive. Rich drove right next to me

Prius Prius Everywhere

Prius Prius Everywhere, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

One that looks just like mine, parked right next to mine. Cant go 5 feet without seeing one

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Dinner At The Dude Ranch

Dinner At The Dude Ranch, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

In The Weeds

In The Weeds, originally uploaded by matt kettler.


Ants, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Just thought it was interesting that the ants had cleared this circle, and a path around their home

Wendy + Horse

Wendy + Horse, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

myan Dude Ranch

myan Dude Ranch, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Wendy and I woke up in time for the horse ride and cowboy breakfast

Sunday, August 05, 2007

You have new Picture Mail!

You have new Picture Mail!, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Activision Reports Sluggish Sales Of Sousaphone Hero

Note the picture is of an xbox game with said title. Oh the onion will you ever cease to amuse?

Friday, August 03, 2007


Oops, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

That cant be good