Tuesday, July 29, 2008

South Paw Jones At Cactus Cafe

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Ethiopian Food

Ethiopian Food, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Not bad... It may take some getting used to

Saturday, July 26, 2008

How Much Can A Prius Hold?

How Much Can A Prius Hold?, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

9 pieces of 12 foot concrete hardi siding, 5, 10 foot pieces of 1X4, 2 pieces of 10 foot 1X6, 38 pieces of 8 foot 1X4, 15 tubes of calking, and two people... And it wasnt even full... Thats just all i needed.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Giant Pile Of Drawings... Its An Engineer Thing

Monday, July 21, 2008

1OO Year Old Rat corpse

1OO Year Old Rat corpse, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Fireworks, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Fireworks on the 4th, as seen from the parking lot of barton creek mall.... Camera phone doesnt do it justice

Old Prius

Old Prius, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

In a span of 15 minutes i turned over 6OOOO miles, the maintenance light came on, and the A/C stopped working... Shes getn old

Bats See Below

Bats See Below, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

On The Bat Boat

On The Bat Boat, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Me, wendy, christoph, catalina, dad, liz on one of those boats that goes under the congress bridge bats


Possum, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

In my backyard... Emma was very excited

Mutant Corn

Mutant Corn, originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Baby corn growing off of main corn