Sunday, June 04, 2006

Oasis Food

The food at the oasis is such overpriced crap. 13.99 for a scoop of guac (which by the way, was a pretty small scoop on a pile of lettuce) & some cold cheese. Why does the food here always suck this bad and cost so much. The server was asked to bring out mustard, and some tomatoes for a burger. Eventually she comes back with mayonnaise (and no tomato), then a different person comes back with a bowl of mayonnaise. Then the waitress comes back and asked if we ever got that tomato and mayonnaise.... NO!!! and is there anyway you could bring us some tomato and MUSTARD!!!

Service 0 stars
Atmosphere 1 star
Food 0 stars
Quality 0 stars
Price 0 stars
Value 0 stars
Accessibility 0 stars

Why is this place so popular?

1 comment:

Mike said...

The view man, it's all for the view. Agreed about the subpar food. BTW, the Rudy's in New Braunfels was surprisingly sucky too.