Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Monday, August 28, 2006

Destruction Part 2

Destruction Part 2
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Coworker Erica getting in on the action


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Got to destroy some shiv for work today.... In order to find the columns behind the dry wall for an addition to an office complex In case you cant tell, I'm about to hurl that hammer at the wall.... just for the hell of it. I did it once already.... if youll notice the hole in the wall in the background

Friday, August 25, 2006

Cap City Comedy Club

Cap City Comedy Club
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Daniel jackson.... Very funny


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

This is Mac. He was our tour guide of the macadamia nut factory. Actually, this is an inflateable representation of him. ... I dont know who those kids climbing on him are.

Note: for some reason this didnt get posted when it should have. the actual date is AUG 22nd


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Five free beers... And it didnt cost anything... I love hawaii

NOTE: This pictures was taken after the tour of the Kona Brewing Co. but for some reason it didnt get posted when it was supposed to.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Run Matthew Run

Run Matthew Run
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Dinner at bubba gumps shrimp co.... Thats me ... Gump

Kona Brewing Co.

Kona Brewing Co.
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Tour is about to begin


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

From above

Submarine Ride

Submarine Ride
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Down to about 100 feet. A couple of sunk boats, cool to be in a submarine, but for the money snorkaling is a better deal, and you see more beautiful fish


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Open bar, all you can eat, roasted pig, fire dancers, and coconut clad women equals a fun night.... Dont forget to bring 75 bones to get in


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

We had some time to kill, so we decided to check out the hilton near our condo.... Dang, its about the nicest hotel i have ever seen.... Some day....


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Not after what i have seen in the last week

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

For volcano tour

Volcano Top

Volcano Top
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Helicopter Ride

Helicopter Ride
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

I hope this doesnt come out upsided, but he it does sorry... The helicopter assistant took it. Click for more pictures. Some may be crappy since i was flying around in a helicopter

Hawaii Natural Botanical Gardens

Hawaii Natural Botanical Gardens
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

1 of several click for more

Akaka Falls

Akaka Falls
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Greenwell coffee co. Coffee tasting and tour

More Golf

More Golf
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.


Monday, August 21, 2006


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

All terrain whealchair

Avacado Tree

Avacado Tree
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Golf In Hawaii

Golf In Hawaii
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

It cost 120 dollars. I had to rent clubs, and the grass was 2 feet tall on all sides which led to about 7 or 8 lost balls. The main thing i learned was that im not quite good enough to really enjoy a

hundred dollar game of golf the way it was ment to be enjoyed. Score was 122.

In The Weeds

In The Weeds
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Jimmy had a really awfull hole on 8. Spent a bit of time stomping around, swinging his club, and yelling.

Blue Hawaii

Blue Hawaii
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

No homo

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Snorkel Anyone?

Snorkel Anyone?
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Ki'lauea Volcano

Ki'lauea Volcano
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

This is a lava stream that was gushing into the ocean in front of our very eyes. It's the largest active volcano in the world. The hike to get there was about 8 miles total and totally worth it. We

got there when the sun was setting and watched it until dark. We were so close we could feel the heat. There were crowds of people who had, like us, ignored the safety rope to get closer for a better

view. Afterward, we all traversed the tumultous lava rock field together with failing flash light batteries and sore calves.

Testicle Tree

Testicle Tree
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

This tree looked like it had hairy testicles.* *this moblog posted by Jimmy Kettler

Forest Of Devastation

Forest Of Devastation
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Forest portion of this walk. It was about a mile round trip. We saw a spectacular view of the caldera-the inner, upside down dome area of the volcano-and we saw some local endangered birds called



Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Caldera, and steam vents beyond

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

So, in back of Westgate movie theater there is a dumpster. It's filled (presumably with all kinds of leftover popcorn and soda. This mixes together to make some sort of disgusting slurry. Let that sit in the Texas sun for a while and it will eventually turn in a disgusting soup that reeks so bad its all you can do to keep from throwing up. As I walked by that familiar slime trail that leads to the sewer grate I noticed that since it hasn't rained in a while the sludge has started to build up in the bottom of the sewer. It appears to be about 3" thick of this popcorn soda sludge slime, and its a bit green and really quite putrid. I highly recommend you avoid this at all costs.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Smart Car

Smart Car
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

First smart car sighting... I might have gotten one if they had been available when i was looking... I wonder where they sell them?

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Dehydrated Lentils

Dehydrated Lentils
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Someone opened a can of lintils at the office and put the half empty can back then left it there for god knows how long and i guess it dehydrated into this lintil cake hockey puck type thing that was

pretty gross


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

This machine drills piers for house foundations

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Texas Sunset

Texas Sunset
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Find of a better sunset anywhere... If you can


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

I tried to take a picture of the moon through a telescope


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Nothing will spoil a nice wooded view at the lake like the possibility of some loser somewhere making money off oil

Family Reunion

Family Reunion
Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

Click for more, and click on "family reunion (set)" and you should find about 35 pictures.


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.

In bloom at the lake