Saturday, August 12, 2006


Originally uploaded by matt kettler.


MW said...

What the hell is that crap... Fake grass?

Matt said...

Yeah, there was same fake grass... also a flamingo, and there was a snake that was cut and then glued onto the winshield with part of it on the inside of the car, and part on the outside so that it looked as though it was slithering through the glass.... pretty ugly... but hey... what do I know

MW said...

I look forward to a close up of said snake. You did take a picture of it, right? Right?

Matt said...

sadly, I did not take a close-up... however if you go here
you can see the full sized image... if you save that to your desktop an open it up and zoom into the top of the windshield you can see...Assuming you are as desperate to see this image as you sound.... that probably is not a good assumption =(

MW said...

I saw the car. It was illegally parked by the Barton Springs trail head yesterday. I meant to go check it (the snake) out, but instead just told my running friends about it from a distance. Pathetic of me, i know.

MW said...

nice. it's like the lochness monster meets copperfield how it goes in and out of the windshield.

Note to self: When car starts going to hell, add lochness snake to Windshield.