Friday, March 03, 2006

Wig Split

There's one thing I really hate about haircuts. Is it possible to not itch all over your neck after getting one. The lady uses the little brush on your neck the blows the hair drier on you like that's supposed to do something. It doesn't. I then proceeded to spend the next 15 minuets brushing the little nanohairs off my neck and face in an attempt to keep myself from breaking out into hives. During the walk back from the haircut I noticed a hissing sound coming from a fire hydrant that I passed. I wondered if it would blow up or something from all the pressure. I guess well find out.
I realized just now while typing this what this blog is missing.... a theme. I cant just ramble off entries without some sort of goal. Though... since I have no real theme to my life... a themed blog in which each entry would have to be based would be quite the little challenge. Perhaps it would help me to focus my life..... as of now... the blog is what ive tried to focus on in the last couple of days.... Can a blog focus on itself, or does it just create an infinite loop of shit.... I'm thinking the late....
stay tuned for a theme.
this is a test.... the avg reader need pay no mind to the following

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